
Message from the Executive Director

On February 2nd we renewed efforts to educate students and staff on the proper way towear a face mask; and since they are the newest to our building, we started with ourfirst-year students. After our presentation, each student was given a choice of aheadband or tossle cap to keep them...

New Year Message

I want to begin by wishing everyone a Happy, Calm and Peaceful New Year, even though the start of 2022 has not been that way at Western Area! Unfortunately, COVID has affected some of our students and teachers, and a teacher quit at the end of the day on Monday,...

Updated Statement on Court Actions on Mask Order

Yesterday afternoon the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court issued a ruling voiding Acting Secretary Beam’s school mask order.  However, early last evening, Western Area CTC  was informed that the Wolfe administration has filed an appeal which will trigger a stay of the Commonwealth Court's ruling.  As a result, Western Area CTC will continue to...

A Response To McGuffey’s September Board Meeting

McGuffey School District held a special Board meeting on September 27, 2021, during which inaccurate information was given to parents in the audience concerning Western Area. First, I want to make it clear to all parents and guardians that Western Area NEVER COVID-tested any students at our school. We do daily temperature...