Goodbye message from Dr. McCarthy.
July JOC Agenda Continued
Joint Operating Committee Meeting Notice The recess of the July 7, 2022, Joint Operating Committee meeting will be reconvened in the WACTC Board Room on Monday, July 11, 2022, at 7:00 PM and will be available via Zoom at Meeting ID: 946 3136 8181Passcode: 522554 July JOC Agenda
July JOC Agenda
July JOC Agenda
June JOC Agenda
June JOC Agenda
50th Anniversary / End of School
This school year is ending but not without a grand goodbye!Please join us on June 3rd as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary as a Washington County Career & Technology school. Tour the building and interact with current and former students and staff. We have planned a daylong event from 9:30...
May JOC Agenda
May JOC Agenda