I want to begin by wishing everyone a Happy, Calm and Peaceful New Year, even though the start of 2022 has not been that way at Western Area! Unfortunately, COVID has affected some of our students and teachers, and a teacher quit at the end of the day on Monday, both of which created unforeseen educational disruptions and leaving us frantically searching for a teacher.
We ask that our parents bear with us during these strange times as we attempt to make the necessary changes as quickly as possible. Because COVID seems to be lasting longer than anyone anticipated, day-to-day decisions and adjustments to our method of delivery of instruction must be made. Our main goal is to always provide hands-on training to ensure placement of our students into the workforce.
If you know anyone interested in becoming a Carpentry teacher, or a teacher in any of our program areas, please contact me. We never know from day-to-day who may or may not report to work due to ongoing COVID issues.
Again, Happy New Year to all!